Vet & Pet Shop


Frontline cat pack 6

frontline cat spot on pack 6


Frontline cat pack 6

Product Details

Frontline Spot On Flea Drops for Cats and Kittens kills 98-100% of fleas within 24 hours for up to 5 weeks, whilst preventing reinfestation by adult and immature ticks for up to one month and also fully controlling infestations of lice within 48 hours.

Safe to use on kittens over 8 weeks of age and weighing over 1kg in weight.

Suitable for use on pregnant queens.

Please refer to the dosage and usage instructions provided with the product before administering. If you are unsure on the usage of this product, please consult an RSPCA Halifax Animal centre SQP (Suitable Qualified Person) or Veterinarian who will be more than happy to advise you on its administration.

This product is for animal use only and should under no circumstances be administered to any animal other than that which is stated for.

Fleas are often found within your cats baskets, bedding, and regular resting areas, including carpets and soft furnishings; these should be treated with a household suitable flea treatment and vacuumed regularly.

6 x 0.5ml Pipettes containing 50mg of the active ingredient Fipronil.

Legal Category NFA-VPS