Blog #4: Suzie & The Pups

WARNING: This blog contains super cute puppy pics, which may cause humans to uncontrollably shout phrases such as (but not limited to) “OMG” and “They’re sooo cuuuute”. You could unwillingly cry tears of happiness and demand that anyone around you must immediately witness how cute these puppies are too. Right, now that our disclaimer is out of the way – thank you for joining us for blog number 4!…

We hope you’re enjoying our weekly updates, as we watch Suzie take to being the perfect dog Mum and these beautiful puppies grow and develop their own little personalities! Our fabulous fosterer reports “The pups are VERY playful now and they’re constantly clambering over each other! Their favourite game seems to be ambushing Mum whenever she returns!” Poor Suzie, it’s a good job she’s a great Mum and a total sweetheart! “They also starting to enjoy licking & nibbling on human hands, arms, crocs etc. Oh and they’re very vocal now too… often telling Mum off when she leaves!”

We can’t believe just how quickly this lot are growing up, can you? As part of our training and behaviour plan for the pups, we will be introducing more novel items and more handling, to help them adjust to all the every day sights, feelings and sounds – so far they’re responding to this wonderfully! They pups are also booked in for their first proper trip to vets on May 4th! They will be receiving their first set of vaccinations and health checks. That’s all for now folks but we’ll back next Thursday with more pupdates for you to enjoy.





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